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omgitshim last won the day on September 7 2022

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  1. Yeah, which is the same reason we're voting Lemorse
  2. Tally Ricer: 7 (woog, ricer, GLU, Grape, hatty, Dadam, NSG) Dooms: 2 (pty, omg)
  3. Lemorse always acts like a Jester when he's not. The fact that he's silent makes me think he might be. If he won't respond then we should start pushing someone who will. Vote Dooms
  4. Lemorse is never evil so this vote pains me
  5. Vigi on Ptyrell he's bullying me
  6. Just for a claim since he was RBd and no one died.
  7. True let me lower the chance to 0.000004%
  8. VOTE LEMORSE (Woog, ricer, omg)
  9. Eagles was also blocked, so there's a 0.0003% chance that he was Mafioso and a Forger got controlled into him. Unlikely but worth noting.
  10. If Doom, Lem, and Hatty were all blocked last night we should get claims from all of them given the lack of kills. @Doomsday @Lemorse7 @jhatty8 what do you do here?
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